Communication Marketing

Chris Morales | Communication Marketing

  • Social Media
  • Advertising 
  • Package Design
  • Sales Training
  • Onboarding
  • Small Business

Since coming to Canada from Jamaica, I have been consumed with storytelling.  After successfully completing the Broadcasting, Radio & TV program at Conestoga College, I began my sales career in  Kitchener, Ontario.

I moved back to Toronto when the advertising agency business called. Over the next 40 years, I progressed through the ranks, working on national and international businesses and brands including Coca Cola, General Motors, Toyota, Google, Bank of Montreal, Hudson's Bay, Burger King and Dairy Queen.  In all the cases, my guiding principle has been to tell the brand story well.

I founded SkillsBoost Academy after five years of teaching business and sales courses at a Toronto College and forty + years building brands in the marketing and advertising industry. My mission at SkillsBoost Academy is to give you the essential tools to build your dream: Develop your unique value proposition, learn how to manage your time more effectively and apply sales and selling strategies.

In 2009 I began working with Reggae Marathon, Jamaica's premier Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K road race event.  It's held in Negril, Jamaica every December and attracts runners from around the world.  As Social Media Manager and Content Creator, I helped grow awareness for the event that tripled registrations over 5 years.  I interviewed runners from around the world, wrote and socialized blog and video posts, engaged on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Since 2017, I've taught Continuing Education business courses in Sales, Entrepreneurship and Small Business. My students shared their dreams and ambitions...I nurtured them with the tools to sell their visions.

I'm an avid runner, having completed numerous races and events including triathlons, trails, and road races. One race stands out: The Reggae Marathon in Negril, Jamaica that I have completed over 13 times! While it may be a cliche, success in running and in business comes from taking one step at a time.

Specialties: Communication Marketing, Package Design, Social Media, Online learning, Business Coaching, Sales Training, Selling Skills, Social Selling, Marketing, Solo Entrepreneurs.